Monday, December 17, 2007

Benefits of Campaining?

A long time ago a Venezuelan politician named Eduardo Fernandez proposed an outrageous tactic for campaigning candidates. His proposal was very simple, instead of spending money in TV, radio, newspaper or any other media, attacking the opponent, he proposed to use that money to repair an school or build a park or improve a childcare facility or donate equipment for a local hospital, then in the middle of the celebration the politician could use the quorum for his political speech.

This proposal was (of course) dismissed immediately by his opponents and the media didn’t pay to much attention to the fact (obviously).

It doesn’t matter if the politician was good or average or even if his speech was accurate, appropriate or relevant, at the end of the day somebody important for society (YOU) was benefited. Which benefits do you take from the millions of dollars that politicians spend campaigning?. The only one that benefits from that is the ones that already have everything (NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, Newspapers, radio stations, etc).

Is that what you want?

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